Massage Cupping

TLDR (To Long Didn’t Read)?: If you hurt in your fascia, muscles, bones or with headaches, consider massage cupping.
Find someone here, Ace Massage Cupping Trained Therapists are the only recognized safe choice for this therapy.

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In Bakersfield? See me, Kristina at Pure Essentials Day Spa.

I have done massage cupping since 2014 and I can tell you it’s opened up a whole new level of therapy for me. When something sticks around for 6,000 years and is still used in modern day, there’s got to be true benefit to it.  While Massage Cupping has only been established in 2001, as opposed to Traditional Chinese Cupping, we use the same tool just in different ways.

Massage Cupping offers a good feeling alternative to a manual massage, it still stretches and pushes your muscle like a classic massage but the suction pulls your tissue OUT, this accomplishes a more full stretch of fascia, muscle tissue/chronic tension (even on the deepest layer of muscle) healing, scar tissue can be healed, a larger opening for the fluid pathways (think blood and lymph) to push out old blood and lymph and can call for more serious backup from new blood and lymph. It can detox soft tissues and I’ve seen it detox joints! You’ll know someone has received much needed healing when you see their Mark.

The Mark is what makes someone look like they’ve been attacked by an octopus or vacuum cleaner (my capitol M is tongue in cheek, here). The Mark is what makes, in my experience, the average person potentially shy away from this therapy.
But here is what you need to know about the marks, they are NOT, I repeat NOT a bruise. Bruises come from blunt force to an area. What they are is your old blood or lymph being given over by the tissue.
Old blood and lymph is not doing the area any good and is keeping new blood from reaching those areas with life giving oxygen, and nutrients and new lymph from taking all the toxins and byproduct/natural waste out of the area.
The marks allow your body to process and eliminate waste from your body.
The more you do massage cupping the less you will mark, the shorter they will last, until you don’t mark at all.
When you mark its like your body saying, ‘Thank you, I needed that!’
That why olympians do it!

I don’t dress to cover mine, a quick google search will tell you I am not alone. In fact, I rather embrace them. When people ask me about it: 1) I appreciate sincere concern from my fellow man. 2) I see it as a chance to share a modality that could help them or someone they know. Word of mouth is a wonderful thing.

My response is simple, something like, “Thank you for your concern, it’s actually  a muscle therapy I use to help my ______ feel better.” Sometimes if I’m feeling sparky I first say, “You should see the other guy.”

I digress, if you ever experienced a part of your body that just seems so weak and barely anything, if anything at all, seems to make it much better? Find a local massage cupping Massage Therapist, here.  An ACE Massage Cupping trained Massage Therapist is the only one to go with.

On average I have seen 4x the amount of therapy done in a single session in contrast to my other massage modalities. My regulars that do it, do it once every two or three visits.

It was the final thing I needed to kick tension headaches out of my normal life and my go to when they creep up (they only creep up when I don’t work out, stick to a moderate massage schedule and see my Chiropractor)

It’s also wonderful for lymphatic drainage, fibromyalgia, sports therapy, cellulite, scar healing, pre- and post-operative sites, and I even have special cups to do what I call a face lifter- with the face lifter, a client was later asked by people if she had a little botox done, ha!

It’s not ever going to fully replace classic massage as there is something truly wonderful about a good Swedish or Deep Tissue (ensue drool) but Massage Cupping (ensue more drool) holds its own, even as the new kid, in a world of massage, as a good therapeutic answer.

If you are concerned about your health, go see a doctor.

Tension Headaches

I remember since 4th grade getting what turned out to be tension headaches and was sick every night. I think it was the result of a playground injury in my neck that inflamed, I didn’t tell my parents about, so they never knew to help me fix it. It rendered me its shaky, weak, nauseous victim until I did two of three things; throw up, sleep for hours, or take medicine before it progressed too long. But I could pretty much guarantee it would likely happen the next day.
Those were the days I turned to the Ibuprofen bottle and didn’t look back.

It wasn’t until enrolling in Massage Therapy training that I realized I could do anything preventative about my headaches, as a student my classmates and I worked on each other for practice and suddenly I was getting less headaches. I was only getting headaches every few days instead of most of the week.

My first job after school was at a Chiropractic Office, where I realized, again, there was MORE preventative action I could take! I reduced my headaches to one a month or less that year. That was phenomenal for me and so life giving.

Since then I have realized that I can improve things even more with massage cupping and working out. I get a headache threat every so often but when I do, its because I haven’t gotten a massage, been working out as regularly as I should, but can still nip it in the bud with a couple tricks.

If you get headaches too try this.

As a quick fix use dōTERRA’a Deep Blue blend or Deep Blue Rub on  neck, shoulders, pecs and shoulder blades.
Swipe a drop of Lavender Essential Oil across the forehead. I’ll even drink a drop of dōTERRA’S in 4 oz. of water because its food grade and my doctor gave clearance.

And when nursing a baby sub out Deep Blue Rub for Clary Sage Essential Oil.

These are some great choices that will start to alleviate the tension that is responsible for the pain!

If headaches are a common problem for you, don’t just deal with them. They are stealing days of your life that you will never get back!

I would suggest massage, exercise, chiropractic as a preventative measure and keep some natural powerhouses (essential oils) in your medicine cabinet. And of course contact your doctor if you are concerned about the issue.

Always talk to your doctor before ingesting oils and don’t even consider it unless they have a “supplements fax” on the bottle.
Children under 6 should not ingest oils.